Love Dusting Is The New Dating Trend Of 2024

Photo: Riska / E+ / Getty Images

Don't fall for who you think someone could be. It’s not always a love bomber who engages in these actions. And often the person doesn’t have nefarious intentions, necessarily. The behavior can be unconscious and can come from a relatable place of wanting love, connection, and safety.

The endless love bombing, the future planning, the texting throughout the day: they can feel good. Especially when you consider all those first dates that don’t go anywhere the messaging that never leads to a meeting or the lukewarm encounters that fizzle out fairly quick.

When you're involved with someone in this type of relationship, you're adding fuel to a relationship that isn’t real yet. Rather, it’s a fantasy projection of one because not enough experiences have been shared. When you give time and effort to this fantasy world you painted in your head, you're missing out on meaningful moments that you could share with someone who really does share your views and experiences.

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