Research Reveals The "Perfect" Age to get Married

According to the 37% Rule, the perfect age to get married is 26.

This rule comes from the book Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions. They rule says that people make the best decisions after screening 37% of the options.

The authors use searching for a job applicant and argue that after looking through 37% of applicants you have enough information to make a good choice and choose someone who is qualified, but not too much that would potentially weighed down with info & become indecisive. They say this works with romantic relationships too.

Apparently the way they found this number based on the dating age range of 18-40 years old. 37% of the way through that age range is 26 years old.

Alternatively relationship therapist, Weena Cullins, thinks 28 year old is the perfect age for women and 32 is the perfect age for me. See the full explanation HERE

Source: YourTango

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