TikTok Says "Talking To Yourself" Is A Good Thing

Everybody has a few cozy habits that they exclusively use when they're alone. Some people find comfort in lying on the floor. For some, it involves speaking aloud to themselves. These insane behaviors may seem embarrassing, particularly if you are caught in the act, but after using social media, you discover that there are thousands, sometimes even hundreds of thousands, of other individuals who share your same traits.

Verbal processors, or those who must speak aloud to properly understand their thoughts, are particularly prone to this behavior. Speaking out loud can sometimes help you see things more clearly and determine what to do next. It can also change your perspective when you hear a problem out loud.It’s also a common habit amongst chronic overthinkers and those with anxiety who might need to unleash pent-up thoughts and worries. 

Talking to yourself out loud can be a very healthy coping mechanism, she says. It can also serve as a great alternative to venting to others, especially if you’re trying not to offload your stress onto friends or loved ones. So maybe next hot girl walk consider putting on your favorite pair of headphones and unload that difficult day!

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