What Recruiters Really Want to Hear When They Ask About A Time You Failed

"Tell me about a time you failed." You might be answering this interview question wrong. A Career Coach named Cara gave some insight about this questions and revealed, quote, “The recruiter wants to hear a true failure. Not a success veiled as a failure.”

Cara explains that recruiters want to know three things about a candidate:

  1. Your ability to take responsibility for mistakes vs blaming others/ the system
  2. Your resilience to overcome obstacles and continue to problem solve
  3. Your self awareness. Your ability to learn and grow from mistakes

She goes on to explain the best way to answer this question and says to use the SOAR format.

  • Situation - clearly describe the situation you were confronted with
  • Obstacle - what the obstacles were
  • Action - how you acted
  • Result - what the final result was

Source: YourTango

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