Holi-Dazing Is This Summer's New dating Trend

Photo: gilaxia / E+ / Getty Images

Many of us have experienced being led on, ghosted, and controlled during our dating lives. The new person in town, who goes by the name of "holi-dazing," is trying to cause twice as much trouble as the last guy and here's what we know!

This year its become a thing to be wary of holi-dazers, which is a mixture of already existing trends “love-bombing” and “situationships." Love-bombing is the act of showing someone a lot of love or attention, especially with the intention of controlling or influencing them, while situationship is a relationship that is more than friendship but less than a committed relationship.

But what exactly is this new trend and what are the signs to look out for? Holi-dazing is a way of leading someone on.

The trends purpose is to intentionally lead on potential love interests by deceptively leaning into the nostalgic romance familiar in Christmas rom coms by pulling on the heartstrings in order to secure a seasonal partner.

It is said to be a manipulative and toxic dating tactic where those who are single pull out all the stops to give the impression they’re looking for a ‘forever’ partner, by copying cliche Hollywood behaviors and actions.

Instead, they’re selfishly duping them into a false sense of security, providing a ‘fairy-tale’ experience by masquerading their intentions, be they long term or short-term. It’s a combination of the trends ‘love bombing’, 'future-faking', ‘situationship’.

To avoid being 'Holidazed' It's important to establish boundaries and communicate your intentions clearly in any relationship. Tell them right away if you're interested in something casual or something serious, for instance, if you matched on Tinder and your conversation is going well. Usually, their behavior and response serve as a reliable guide for subsequent actions.

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