He Wouldn't Let Me Go To Trivia! - War Of The Roses

Kaylin and Ronnie have been dating for a little under a year after they first met at a trivia night. Kaylin tells us things have been great for the most part, but ever since she and Ronnie dated that Ronnie’s friends have always been distant from her. At the same time, Ronnie has started to be more distant as he says he is in a kickball league and still does trivia by himself. Whenever Kaylin tries to hang out with Ronnie, she feels like Ronnie is just trying to check a box and move on so she’s worried he might be doing something else besides kickball and trivia.

We call Ronnie pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants to send them to, Ronnie sends them to someone named Miranda. Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses! 

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