New Studies Say You Can Trust Sleep Advice On TikTok

We've all been there before, it's 2am and you just can't for the life of you, get to sleep! you're tossing and turning and you're fluffing your pillows all for it to simply not work so we all do what we do best and we take our concerns to the internet.

Since we're in 2024, we have access to the app we all use when we're out of all the answers, TikTok! Lots of users have found that the social platform actually has lots of credible sources uploading helpful health tips, including how to better fall asleep.

When testing the key hashtags to get to all the best sleep help content, we found that the best hashtags to use are that used the tag #sleephacks, #sleephygiene, or #sleeptips. Using those hashtags 295 sleep tips were collected from 58 videos.

Thirty-five unique sleep tips were identified and grouped around seven themes: calming activities (such as breathwork before bed), use of electronics (limiting screen time before bed), environment (like sleeping in a cool, dark room), foods/substances to avoid (caffeine before bed), foods/substances to use (magnesium), schedule (having consistent bed and wake times), and other sleep-related behaviors (such as mouth taping).

Of the 35 tips, 29 were backed by scientific research, according to the study findings from our sources. I don't know about you but i'm taking my health concerns to tik tok next time! who's with me?

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