Someone Else Was Logged Into His AppleTV! - War Of The Roses

Kaylin and Chuck have been dating on and off for over two years and as of right now they have been together for nine months. Kaylin tells us that they took breaks earlier in their relationship because Kaylin thought Chuck was doing something on the side, but as of right now things have been better. However, Kaylin recently went to Chuck’s place and saw that the Apple account on his AppleTV belonged to someone named Maya who she has never met before. Kaylin looked Maya up and she saw that Chuck had been liking every photo of Maya on Instagram so she’s convinced Chuck is cheating on her again.

We call Chuck pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants to send the flowers to, Chuck asks if we can send them to Maya! Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses!

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