How To Tell If Your Banana Is Actually Ripe Or Not

A picture on Instagram has sparked an intense discussion among fruit enthusiasts on the ideal level of banana ripeness. We've included the picture below so you can share your thoughts on the debate with us!

The image shows a spectrum of bananas, numbered from 1 to 15, ranging from bright green to heavily spotted brown. Each number represents a different stage of ripeness, from totally unripe to banana-bread-ready brown. Many People had different opinions on the matter, Some believe 7 is the perfect ripeness, while others think 11 is the lucky number.

The popular consensus was that once your banana starts to show signs of spotting, it is officially beginning to ripen. It is important to include that the debate isn't when it 'begins' to ripen but more so when it has fully reached ripeness. Since we can't seem to come to a full concrete answer, we've shared some opinions from 'KidsSpot' so that you can make your own determination

“7 for sure,” Leah chimed in. “6 would still have that dry taste where it sticks to the roof of your mouth.”

Jordanna said she preferred her bananas in the “8-9” range and said she follows the rule of “if it doesn’t peel easily, it’s a no-go.”

After hearing some opinions, what do you think? Let us know your opinions by DM'ing us on socials @YMSradio!

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