This Is When You Should Brush Your Teeth In The Morning

The dental dilemma has finally been settled. We all love a simple start to the day, so waking up each morning to the same dental dilemma really starts to put a dampener on life after a little bit. Deciding whether to tackle a plate of scrambled eggs on toast or brush your teeth first is enough to make you pull the covers back over your head and sleep the problem away instead.

You'll even try to try little tricks to make this morning routine go by quicker and even more efficiently, so we've all had to ask ourselves the same question to speed things along, "Should I brush before or after I eat my breakfast?"

We are happy to tell you we have the official answer! According to a TikTok made by Anna Peterson, a registered dentist, explaining the do's and don'ts. Anna explained that you should not wait until you've scoffed down your first meal of the day to brush your teeth and should always make a beeline for the bathroom before you head to the kitchen.

She continues to explain that there's two reasons for her claim. When you eat breakfast, your mouth becomes acidic. So what you're doing when you brush your teeth after breakfast is brushing the acid into the tooth and this wears away the enamel. So, when you brush your teeth before you eat breakfast, you are actually protecting your enamel as well as your mouth

I hate to be the one to say you'll have to get used to a "minty breakfast" but you can't win all your battles, right?

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