According To Experts This Technique Helps With Relieving Stress!

You can reduce stress with a simple daily practice lasting no longer than 20 seconds, according to Eli Susman, a UC Berkeley PhD candidate in clinical science.

In 2017, Susman left his job to go on a one-month retreat to a French Buddhist monastery after finding that the program only included thirty minutes of daily meditation, Susman was very disappointed. 

He chose to extend one of his sessions halfway through the retreat, spending three hours sitting under a tree. He then spoke with Brother Treasure, a monk he encountered, about his practice. He was not prepared for the monk's response.

"Three hours?" Susman smiles at what he remembers Brother Treasure telling him. "how about three breaths?" that is all you need to do to enter the present moment"

This year, Susman conducted a study. The study involved participants engaging in a 20-second ritual of self-compassion.

Susman explains the instructions lose your eyes and call to mind something about yourself that has been bothering you and making you feel unworthy, unloved, or not enough and notice what arises in the body.

Then he asked people to send kindness and warmth to themselves by placing one hand over their heart and another over their belly with the intent of giving themselves a hug and notice what arises in the body now. Next, he invited them to ask themselves, 'How can I be a friend to myself in this moment?' Finally we told them to open their eyes when they were ready."

We want you to try this 20 second stress relieving activity and DM us on instagram @ymsradio.

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