This Viral Packing Spreadsheet Is Making Travelers Go Crazy!

There are countless resources available that can help you with packing for a fantastic trip, ranging from choosing the correct luggage to maximize space, to bringing packing cubes or even making your own lookbook. However, you should see this packing hack that's going popular on TikTok; all you need is an Excel spreadsheet.

A Tik Tok account is going viral for coming up with the most ideal packing spreadsheet, and we're all shocked!

The user describes in the video how he makes a list of everything he wants to take along with the bag that corresponds with it. After packing, he can check each item's checkbox to see what's missing and what's not before his journey. He also has the ability to narrow down his list and focus on just one bag at a time as well.

"Everyone makes fun of me for how I pack, but I think I'm just organized," the influencer says to the camera, adding, "Am I weird for this?" 

The internet responded with a resounding "no," with hundreds begging for a template they could use themselves. Even Google wanted in on the action, calling the hack "so beautiful" in the comments. 

What do you think? Would you give the spreadsheet a try when packing for your next trip?

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