The Reason You Aren't Tired Anymore When You Get Into Bed

Have you ever noticed that when you get in to bed you no longer feel tired? It's so annoying. You could be falling asleep on the couch, but as soon as you get cozy in bed you're awake.

A sleep expert has revealed why this happens and what you can do to help prevent it from happening in the future.

Basically what it comes down to is training your body to recognize that your bed is for sleep.

Sleep consultant Rosey Davidson told The Mirror: "Learned arousal refers to a conditioned response that interferes with sleep onset - falling asleep. It occurs when we associate our beds with activities other than sleep, like watching TV or scrolling on a phone or tablet. Over time, the brain forms an association between the bed and wakefulness rather than relaxation, making it harder to fall asleep."

In other words, the bedroom should be for sleep (or sex) only. No scrolling on your phone or watching TV.

Source: The Mirror

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