He Was At Her Birthday Party! - War Of The Roses

Halle and Wayne have officially been dating for a little over five months after first matching with each other on Hinge. Halle tells us things have been great for the most part, but recently Wayne told Halle that their mutual friend Rebecca tried flirting with him and he wanted Halle to know. At first Halle was glad Wayne told her, but she recently saw that Rebecca posted photos of her birthday on social media and saw that Wayne was at the party even though he told her that he was hanging with friends the same night. Halle is now starting to think Wayne was trying to cover for anything that would have happened, but Halle caught him in the lie.

We call Wayne pretending to offer him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants to send them to, Wayne asks if we can send them to Rebecca with the message “can’t wait to give your more birthday spankings.” Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses!

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