Home Depot Is Starting Spooky Season Early!

We're all counting down the days till Halloween, but would you start buying your decor in March?

While Halloween is more than seven months away, Home Depot is already teasing some of the items it'll be selling for the October holiday.

While last year was slated to be the last for "Skelly," the skeleton the retailer announced it will have a "new and improved" 12-foot skeleton that will sell for the same price of $299!

The improvements to "Skelly" include: eight new settings in its LCD life-like eyes, allowing users to swap settings, and bringing his personality to the forefront.

The collection also includes a 5-foot skeleton dog, a 7-foot animated LED Frankenstein, a 10-foot LED "Murderous Maple Tree," and four other large decorations.

While all this information is exciting, Home Depot was short on details on when the items would go on sale.

Home Depot commented that they can't confirm any official launch dates, but many products were available online in July before landing in stores after Labor Day last year, so we are projecting the same thing for this year!

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