Wine Pie Is Actually A Thing

You might expect to use wine more frequently in savory pie recipes, but in one particularly odd TikTok trend, folks are trying their hand at a sweet pie in which red wine is the key ingredient.

It's essentially a pie casing with half a bottle of wine poured into it!

To make such a dessert you are instructed to:

  • Take a pre-made pie crust, pour red wine directly into the crust until it's almost full
  • Add 1 cup of sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour, and a splash of vanilla extract
  • Throw that bad boy right in the oven no mixing necessary!

Though wine pie may seem cool it simply doesn't work. The beverage doesn't thicken on its own, especially not in such a short period, and its high acidity means that starches will soften and lose their ability to retain shape

Luckily! there is a way to pull this recipe off. A TikTok user ecommends chilling the pie for 24 hours to attain something akin to a silk pie texture. Below you can view her version of the wine pie along with the ingredients she used!

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