The Phrase to Use When You Are Really Mad at Your Partner

Fights and arguments are going to happen in relationships. They just are, but there is a simple phrase you should use when you are angry and having a hard time finding the right words to express how you are feeling. It's a game changer. YourTango put out an article and in it Jacob Kountz, a Marriage and Family Therapist in Bakersfield, CA, said, quote,

“When we get mad or frustrated, it might be easy to think through and process incoming information and output something decent for others to understand us. But, when we’re angry, this is an intensified version of softer emotions which can put us in a place where we don’t really know what to say anymore.”

The phrase to use is:

“I’m not in the proper mindset right now and need time to calm down before I can express my true feelings.”

In the same article, Psychologist, Ross Grossman, says quote, “By acting angrily, you actually increase the likelihood of continuing to act angrily, just as acting loving and compassionate tends to increase the individual’s tendency towards love and compassion."

Source: YourTango

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