He Was Getting Longer Texts From Someone! - War Of The Roses

Kristen and Bret have been together for a little under a year and for the most part Kristen thought everything was going well because even her parents are fans of Bret and like hanging out with him whenever they come to town. However, Kristen has recently noticed that Bret seems to be more protective over his phone and won’t even let Kristen look at it even though she knows he keeps getting long texts from someone named Jessica. When Kristen saw that Bret left his phone while he was taking a shower, she went through it and saw that all the messages from the same Jessica were deleted so she went ahead and changed her contact info to Jessica’s to try and trick Bret. She convinced Bret that he and Jessica need to hang out later this week and now she wants us to pretty much seal the deal that Bret is cheating on her.

We call Bret pretending to offer him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants to send them to Bret asks if we can send them to Jessica who he says is his girlfriend of two months. Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses! 

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