January 15th is "Blue Monday"

The 3rd Monday of the year, which lands on January 15th this year, is known as the most depressing day of the year and is called "Blue Monday."

"Blue Monday" was actually created in 2005 by a travel company in the U.K.as a PR campaign to get people to buy more flights. Samar McCuthcheon, MD., Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, told Forbes that the company, “wanted to increase business by claiming they had found the most depressing day of the year and were hoping it would encourage customers to travel more during this time.”

Did the gimmick work? Well, the company is no longer in business so I'd say no, but the legacy of "Blue Monday" still exists.

So now that we know the history, what can we do if we are feeling Blue Monday?

YourTango put together a list of things to help fight off the blues:

  • Remember, social media is just a highlight reel
  • Assume that other people have struggles too
  • Embrace Sunlight when possible
  • Talk to you doc about Vitamin D & supplements
  • Exercise to get an endorphins boost
  • Spend quality time with loved ones

Sources: Forbes // YourTango

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