He Watched Shows Without Me On Netflix! - War Of The Roses

Melissa and Jared have been dating for a little over a year and while they don’t live with one another Melissa says things had been great until recently. Over the past few weeks Melissa has noticed that on Jared’s Netflix account that more female-driven shows are popping up in his “Continue Watching” section and that scented lotions have been appearing throughout his apartment. Melissa tells us that normally Jared isn’t in to either of those things so she’s starting to think someone else is staying over at his place!

We have John call Jared pretending to offer him a free bouquet of flowers as Jared apparently knows Sos and when we ask him who he wants the flowers sent to, a woman answers the phone instead of Jared. Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses! 

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