iPhones With The Original Twitter Logo Are Being Resold For Up To $24,000

Photo: alexsl / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

Have you still not updated Twitter/X on your phone to give it the new logo? You might want to avoid doing so completely and you can make BANK off of it!

Apparently people are actually reselling their iPhones and Androids that still have the old "blue bird" Twitter logo on their phone for up to $24,000 and people are actually buying some of the listings.

If you remember this isn't the first time people have tried to resell their phones based on an app as the same thing happened a few years ago when Flappy Bird got deleted from the App Store and people were selling their phones for the same reason.

You might want to turn off "Automatic Downloads" on your phone if you haven't already and you still have the "Blue Bird" logo. Also if you are looking to make a quick buck then you can probably go to your parents' house and take their phone because you already know they haven't updated their phones in a while!

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