This 'Food Disgust Test' Reveals How Common Your Food Preferences Are

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We're always done to take a random Internet quiz over doing any actual work and one test has gone viral this week and it's all about your "food disgusts!"

The test is called the “Food Disgust Sensitivity Test,” and was developed by a group of researchers who created the "Food Disgust Scale."

The scale apparently covers eight categories: animal flesh, hygiene, human contaminants, mold, fruit, fish, vegetables and insect contaminants and the test will ask you what your preferences are on certain foods that fall in those categories.

Questions on the test include ranking yourself on how much you agree with some of the following statements:

  • “I do not eat cucumbers that have ripened so much that they can be bent.”
  • “It is gross if a chef in a restaurant tastes a soup with a spoon without washing it every time he does so.”
  • “It is nauseating to have a whole fish, including its head, served to me on my plate.”

The higher the number in the score, the more food disgusts the person has and users have been sharing scores on both ends of the spectrum. You can take the test HERE to prove how much you either love or hate certain foods!

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