He Hung Out With His 'Nephew' Too Much! - Second Date Update

Kody and Tammy first met three months ago on Hinge and it took them a few weeks before they actually met in-person and go on several dates. Kody tells us they went on dates pretty regularly and they even went on group dates with Tammy’s friends and their partners so Kody thought things were going in the right direction. However, Kody hasn’t heard from Tammy in the past three weeks after their bowling date and he's even tried to reach out to Tammy’s friends to see what happened, but has essentially been left on read. Kody and Tammy did spend the night with each other after their date so Kody thinks it might have been something that happened that he didn’t realize.


We call Tammy to find out why she hasn’t responded to Kody since their bowling date and she tells us she wasn’t a fan of Kody hanging out with his “nephew.” Find out what’s really going on in this Second Date Update! 

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