Bedtime Habits Sleep Experts Recommend To Gain Back Sleep

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We're all behind on our sleep this week because of Daylight Saving Time, but thanks to a panel of sleep experts we're here to help you gain your sleep back and feel rested during the work week!

According to sleep experts, these are the rules you may want to set for your bedtime:

  • Having a consistent bedtime - You may need to start your bedtime routine even earlier to make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get enough sleep.
  • Not taking your phone into the bedroom - Keeps your phone out of the bedroom because scrolling through social media or watching an exciting show can be really engaging and tough to unplug from.
  • Never skipping your bedtime routine, even on weekends - Try to start your routine at the same time every night of the week and swap energizing activities for relaxing ones that can help you wind down.
  • Never drinking caffeine in the afternoon - You're better off avoiding caffeine after noon just in case it has lingering effects on you.
  • Not eating for a few hours before bedtime - Finish eating at least three hours before going to bed because eating too close to bedtime is “totally killer for sleep.”
  • Not obsessing over your sleep tracker - A lot of us use devices to measure our sleep, but it’s important not to get too lost in the data. For some folks, focusing on trying to get a perfect sleep score can actually fuel anxiety and make sleep worse.

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