The Biggest Fitness Trends You'll See In 2023

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What workout trends did you try in 2022 and did they actually work? Well it's time to get ready for an entire NEW year of fitness goals for 2023! 

A group of fitness experts predicted the workout trends they thought would become more popular in 2023 and here were some of their top predictions:

  • Virtual reality workouts - Next year, virtual reality workouts will become mainstream as high-tech VR headsets and devices become more widespread and software companies keep adding apps that make exercise feel like a game. 
  • Mobility training - More than being flexible, working on mobility helps improve functional movement, prevent injuries and reduce pain. 
  • Posture workouts - More people are looking for exercises to improve posture so they can be comfortable and pain-free.
  • Primal movement - Primal movement is the ways people have been moving forever, like crawling, lunging, reaching, pushing and such. It’s a subcategory of "functional training" which is training your body to do the moves you need in daily life.
  • Exercise as a mental health tool - More folks are turning to movement to help protect their mental health! Aside from the physical benefits of working out, it also helps people connect with others, get much-needed alone time and build confidence.

You can read more about each trend HERE, but get ready to have a harder time buying VR headsets as everyone tries to get them for their at-home gyms!

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