How To Beat The Winter Blues In December

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Even though we have the joy of the holidays to look forward to in December, the days are getting shorter and it's getting darker even quicker which can lead to an increase in seasonal depression.

However, thanks to a group of mental health experts, these are the best ways to manage the "winter blues" and boost your mental health during these cold winter months:

  1. Get outside - Get outside and go for a walk or a hike. Fresh air and sunlight, even in the winter, can do wonders.
  2. Throw a mood-boosting feast - Throw a potluck of "heart meals" that have tryptophan, an amino acid that increases serotonin levels. This includes poultry, salmon, and leafy veggies.
  3. Prioritize your social life - Don’t let your social life go dark! The more you connect with others, the less alone you’ll feel, so host a dinner, try a new restaurant, go to a fitness class, etc.
  4. Extend a hand - It’s always important to help those in need, but in the winter, the impact can be greater. Find a cause that’s meaningful to you and volunteer with them.
  5. Fill your space with "hygge vibes" - This is décor that gives you soothing feelings, like cable-knit throw, furry pillows, and candles.
  6. Consider talking with a therapist - If you’re feeling low for a while, speak with a licensed therapist.

You can read more HERE, but just know that you're not alone this holiday season and a lot of other people feel the same way!

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