Summer is ending which means it's time to start getting ready for cuffing season, should you chose to participate.
Welcome to dating “drafting season” - which basically is the trial run for cuffing season, dating around and figuring out the best options for cuffing season.
Sex expert Kelly Gordon explains, “Drafting in all your best possible options as the weather begins to turn is just common sense if you’re planning on coupling up for Christmas.” This “tryout” period can help you separate those who could be relationship material from ghosters, breadcrumbers and love bombers.
Here are some tips for "drafting season:"
- Be open to people outside of your usual “type.”
- Enjoy getting to know anyone that shares your interests.
- Keep dating in a fun and non-serious way as you figure out who you like best.
- Don’t rush to make something exclusive.
- Don’t feel the need to settle if no one feels right for you during cuffing season.
Source: Metro