Riley Rates Summers Farm a 10 Out of 10 Experience

I gotta hand it to my hubs because he knows the way to my heart. Find me an Instagram-able moment that also lends to a fun family day and I'm all about it. We went to Summers Farm in Middletown this weekend and OMG they have everything! Food, booze for the parents, rides, fair type games, animals, corn maze, a live band, EVERYTHING.

Its apparently not new but they renovated and switched locations from Frederick to Middletown. A ton of you guys messaged me saying that you grew up going there so if you haven't been in a while I would highly recommend going back.

How I got conned into getting that fake bull I will never know. Fun fact, I lived in the South for the better part of my adult life and came into contact with many mechanical bulls. Not one of them had me on top of them, but when your 7 year old looks at you with those little Hazel eyes and asks you to get on get on the bull.

Normally the whole goat feeding experience of a no-go for me, but these little baby goats were just too damn cute to resist.

Mr. Malin tried some new stuff too. He wasn't too sure of this swing at first but he warmed up to it. personally I feel like they should have these double sided parent/baby swings at all the parks. I mean because parents like to swing too!

Lyric sitting in that chair in the middle of the Sunflower field is just about the only time my OG Baby Boy looks little anymore.

Can you tell I was a happy girl tromping through those flower fields? I honestly thought it was so cool that Summer's Farm gave you a free bloom with the price of admission. Most places charge you extra for it so all in all it was a 10 out of 10.

Click HERE to get tickets.

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ Riley Couture

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