Are You A "Smart Drinker"

According to a new survey of 2,000 people 21 and older, half of Americans (52%) consider themselves to be "smart drinkers." With 65% of those who drink alcohol claiming they have mastered knowing what and how much to drink.

The survey found the following:

  • 49% of "smart drinkers" pave themselves-- about 2 drinks per hour.
    • "smart drinkers" choose low-volume alcoholic beverages (27%)
    • 3 in 5 prefer lower alcohol drinks because it helps them drink at a better pace (61%)
  • "Smart drinkers" eat a meal before drinking (53%)
  • "Smart drinkers" Don't mix alcohol (45%)
  •  45% likely to drink premixed canned alcoholic beverages
    • 41% of respondents admitted they don’t often know what percentage of alcohol their drink of choice contains.
  • 47% of alcohol-consumers claim they can tell the difference when drinks are made with real spirits and ingredients
  • 2 in 3 people claim they can feel the difference in their body the next day (67%)
  • More than a fifth say stay away from drinks high in sugar/ congeners to avoid hangovers (23%)
  • 44% drink water between drinks
  • 29% pay attention to the ingredients

Source: NYPost


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