Hotels Are Now Offering Sleep Services.

The Hot new hotel service? ... Sleep.

yeah you read that right. In 2021, The Cadogan Hotel in London came up with a way to get people book stay after the pandemic. They launched a "Sleep Concierge" service for $375 a night. The "Sleep Concierge" offers various services like: hypnotherapy, calming teas, meditation audio recordings, a pillow menu, weighted blanket, lavender pillow mist and more. 

Similarly, Los Angeles’ Hotel Figueroa offers a "Rest & Recovery Suite," which they initially thought would only last three months, but it was so popular it’s still being offered. The R&R Suite is an 870-square-foot suite for $500 a night. It has an Eight Sleep mattress that adjusts temperatures. The room also has a FORME fitness mirror and a custom Pluto Pillow that guest can take home.

Source: MSN

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