Michigan State University is Offering an Adulting 101 Class

Michigan State University is now offering an Adulting 101 course for FREE this summer. The class is happening every Tuesday from July 12- August 2nd.

According to the course flyer, classes will cover the following:

July 12: Getting Organized- Learn about various digital tools to help you stay organized. We will discuss how to make a to-do list, keep an organized calendar, reduce clutter, and find things faster.
July 19: Home Food Preservation- Learn what blanching is, what foods need to be blanched and why, what foods freeze well, and what foods don’t. These tips will help you preserve your foods and save money.
July 26: Informed Renter- Know your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. We will talk about the rental process from finding a place to live to moving out.
August 2: Healthy U- How to keep yourself healthy now and in the future? Learn some strategies and ways to advocate for your wellness, stay mentally, and physically healthy as you transition into adulthood.

Teens and young adults under 19 can register HERE

Youth development professionals, Teachers and Adults over 20 can register HERE

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