He Wasn't Laid Off! - War Of The Roses

Mary and James have been dating for two years and have lived together for the past six months because both of their rents were increasing. For the past month things have been tight because James lost his job, but he’s been trying to do odd jobs to get some income. He’s even helped his friend Chris build a deck on his house for the past few weeks, but Mary thinks this is all a lie because she ran into Chris’s girlfriend and she said they don’t have a deck and they haven’t seen James in a while besides at work. Mary gets confused so she calls James’s office and finds out he’s been on vacation for the past month. She’s not sure what’s going on and asks us to help out!

We call James pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants them sent to, James asks if they can be sent to someone named Emily! Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!

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