10 Things You Should Start Doing Before Turning 30

Vice put together a list of things you should start doing before reaching 30. Do you agree with the list? What would you add?

  1. Look after your skin properly – It’s time to throw out that St. Ives Apricot Scrub you’ve been using since high school and invest in products that are actually working for you. 
  2. Learn basic cooking skills – We’re talking about things like knowing the right amount of time it takes to hard-boil an egg and not throw onion and garlic in the pan at the same time because you’ll burn it. 
  3. Go to therapy – The trauma isn’t going anywhere until you put effort into sorting it out. 
  4. Hack your hangovers – They’re going to hit you harder if they haven’t started doing so already. 
  5. Buy a set of tools – When you least expect it one day you’ll find yourself in dire need of a screwdriver. 
  6. Take more photos – Remember feeling like a sack of potatoes when you were 18? Now looking back you actually were glowing. We assume the same thing happens in your 40 look back at the rest of your 20s. 
  7. Own at least three professional outfits – You can’t get away with wearing the same clothes you wore in college. Even if you think you can, you shouldn’t. 
  8. Drink more water – No you’re not dying, you just dehydrated. 
  9. Keep listening to new music – Keep your music taste evolving with the times so you don’t end up like your parents saying “they don’t make music like this anymore.” 
  10. Get to grip with taxes – They suck, but you can’t avoid them. Learn the jargon and even hire a professional if you have to. 

Source: Vice

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