He Forgot To Wipe His Old Phone! - War Of The Roses

Emilia calls us telling us that she 100% knows that her boyfriend Mark is cheating on her, but she wants to do a Roses to catch him. A few weeks ago Emilia accidentally dropped her phone and it shattered so she asked to use Mark’s because he was upgrading to a new phone. Unfortunately, Mark didn’t wipe everything from his old phone so Emilia was able to see all of Mark’s message and phone calls and saw that Mark had a lot of messages from someone named Abby that go back three months. In one of the messages Emilia even saw that Mark and Abby were sending explicit messages to one another and one of them had Mark’s tattoo in the photo.

We call Mark pretending to offer him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants flowers sent to, Mark asks if we can send them to Abby who he claims is his girlfriend of six months! Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!

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