The Best Ways To Make Unwanted Guests Leave Your House

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We're all for hosting a house party to get your friends together after a long work week, but sometimes your friends overstay their welcome and it's a struggle to get them to leave!

That's why we wanted to list the best ways to encourage guests to leave according to Reddit which range from turning the lights off to staring off at a corner and ignoring their conversations.

  • Here were some of our favorite responses and you can go HERE to see even more if you're trying to switch things up with calling it a night early:
    Slap your knees stand up and say alrighty then.
  • Say "ok off to bed" and turn off the lights on your way out.
  • Start doing the dishes
  • Ghost your own living room and go to bed.
  • Start staring at a random corner and do not stop until they say they're leaving.
  • Politely ask if they would like a cup of tea before they leave.
  • Change into your pajamas and start taking off your makeup.
  • Fall asleep

What is your subtle way to make people leave?

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