The Dos and Don'ts For Nailing A Job Interview In 2022

Photo: Getty Images

It's totally okay to be stressed about a job interview because it is a big deal, but instead of stressing out right before your Zoom interview, we wanted to give you some tips on what to do and NOT to do during your interview to get you to the next step of the hiring process!

Here are some of the dos and don'ts according to our friends at CareerBuilder:

The Dos

  • Pick a time when you won't be rushed and can do a little prep before you get into the interview.
  • Dress appropriately for your industry.
  • Find a place to sit where you're facing a light source, so the interviewer can see your face clearly. (get a ring light!)
  • Have some small talk ideas prepared ahead of time
  • Make "eye contact" with the camera to show your interviewer that you're engaged.

The Don'ts

  • Schedule an interview during one of your busiest times.
  • Wear prints, since they can look pretty weird on camera.
  • Let your nerves get the better of you.
  • Forget to ask some questions of your own.
  • Freak out if something goes wrong because of an interruption or technical issue.

Above all else, just be yourself and be honest with your interviewer because they'll either find out now or in the office when you get hired if you're the real deal or not!

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