Five TikTok Productivity Hacks That Actually Work

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You can never go wrong with a good life hack, but sometimes they don't always work out how they're advertised on TikTok, but we're here to help you out with some of our favorite new productivity hacks!

Here are five TikTok hacks, along with some description of each hack, that will help you stay motivated, not procrastinate, and stay focused in 2022:

  • Body Doubling – This strategy uses the presence of another person to help you get more things done. Tell the other person what you’re planning to work on and get done. You don’t feel alone in a task and most importantly it keeps you accountable.


  • Time Blocking – This can be great for people who thrive on structure. It involves breaking your day into different segments, or blocks, to create a detailed plan for how you will spend your day. The only drawback is it doesn’t allow for flexibility and can get boring.
  • The 5-Minute Rule – This is useful when you’re avoiding a task, procrastinating, or struggling to just get started. The rule is to start whatever it is and only commit to 5 minutes. You’ll likely find yourself completing it anyway. Getting started typically is the hardest part. 
  • The Pomodoro Technique – This technique involves breaking up your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. Once you’ve gone through this four times, you can then treat yourself to a longer 20-minute break. It’s noted that this technique can interrupt a good “flow” of work. 
  • Energy Management – This strategy involves tracking your energy levels throughout your day and using that info to create a schedule that works for you. You can also track which tasks drain your energy and schedule them around tasks that energize you.

Hope these help you out!!

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