New Study Claims The Last Bite Of Your Food Is The Most Memorable

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You might want to diligently plan your last bite of any food from now on because a new study says the most memorable bite of any food isn't when you first dig into it, but the last bite you have of it!

According to the Association for Psychological Science, what people remember most about a meal is the last bite and this was a deciding factor in whether they choose a given food again. The flavor and portion size of said last bite also played a factor if people wanted to eat said food again.

It turns out that smaller portions tend to be remembered as more enjoyable because the pleasure we get from a specific food shrinks with each additional bite we take of it so you have to find the "perfect" last bite that also has ingredients from all corners of the food like a burger or pasta dish.

You can read more from the study HERE, but you might want to make sure you have the perfect last bite if you're really digging a dish because then you'll love it forever!

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