America's Dream Celebrity Workout Partner Is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Photo: Getty Images

2022 is pretty much here and if you're like most people then you have a New Year's resolution that may or may not involve improving your fitness/health and pretty much everyone agrees who would be the top celebrity to work out with.

A new poll by Life Time Fitness asked respondents what their health goals were or 2022, and they included: lose weight, build muscle, eat better, move more, and improve mental wellbeing, but the real data was what celebrity most people chose as their celebrity workout buddy.

The survey asked folks who their dream celebrity workout partner would be and the top choice isn’t all that surprising because it was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson with over 19% of the votes.

Jennifer Aniston, J-Lo, and Chris Hemsworth were some of the other choices for workout partners, but we all know we just want to work out with The Rock to see if he listens to "Face Off" while pumping iron!

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