There are Benefits to Sleeping With Your Pet.

We've seen countless articles about why you shouldn't sleep with your pet in bed, but what about the flip?

Chief veterinary officer for the North American Veterinary Community, Dr. Dana Varble says, quote, "In general, it is a very good thing for animals to sleep with their people."

Pets who share the bed tend to have a "higher trust level and a tighter bond with the humans that are in their lives. It's a big display of trust on their part," Varble said. She added, quote, "Dogs and cats who are more closely bonded with their humans get additional health benefits, including increases in beneficial neurotransmitters such as oxytocin and dopamine, the feel-good hormones."

Ok, so it's good for the pet, but is it good for the human? Traditionally the answer has been "no" because you won't get the best quality of sleep, but recent studies have shown that pets in the bedroom could be beneficial for some of us.

Sleep specialist Dr. Raj Dasgupta said, quote, "People with depression or anxiety may benefit from having their pet in the bed because the pet is a big pillow, a big blanket, and they may feel that snuggly, cuddly, furry creature decreases their anxiety."

Source: CNN

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