Man Swapped Wife's Cat With An Identical One And She Has No Idea.

A man on reddit admitted that he swapped his wife's cat for a more well-behaved identical one SIX YEARS AGO and she still has no idea.

The man said before he and his wife were married, she asked him to go to her apartment and feed her cat while she was out of town visiting family.

He said the cat was extremely aggressive. "It scratched everyone, hissed at everyone, and didn't use its litter box half the time."

The cat scratched him the first night he went to feed it . At first, threatening the cat to replace it started as a joke, but then it stuck. So he went to the animal shelter and found an identical one that was litter box trained and better around people, but was skittish to help the transition more seamless. IT WORKED.

If you're wondering, what happened to the original cat: This man drove it to an animal shelter a town over.

It's been 6 years He hasn't told her and she still has no idea that's not the original cat.

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