He Had Mascara On His Pillowcase! - War of the Roses

Kelsey and Dan have been together for about ten months and ever since the second month of dating Kelsey spend the night several times during the week. Kelsey’s lease is up at the end of the year and she figured that she would move in with Dan, but when she recently tried to clean his bedroom she saw a mascara smudge on his pillowcase. Kelsey doesn’t wear mascara so she was a little concerned because Dan tried to play it off as a joke, and she also has noticed that Dan has never really met his friends since they started dating.

We call Dan pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him as to who he wants them sent to, Dan asks if they can be sent to someone named Alyson who he claims is in the “Other” category! Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!

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