Jackbox Games Wants To Help You Socialize Again With "Practice Friends"

There's a good chance your social skills might have declined during the pandemic and Jackbox Games wants to help you fight off social anxiety by giving you "practice friends" to host a practice game night with!

Jackbox Games is launching a "Practice Friends Free Rental Service" where you can have a 30-minute Zoom session with a group of friends-for-hire and play games against each other and you can get out all the pandemic questions out of your system that you'd most likely make when going out for the first time!

In order to schedule a "Practice Friends" hangout, you simply need to fill out an online time slot request on Calendly for Jackbox Games and to thank you for participating Jackbox Games will give you a code for their latest party pack to play with your real friends!

You can see the latest Jackbox Party Pack trailer below to prepare for what you're getting into!

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