Taco Bell Is Testing Out A Vegan Alternative For Its Ground Beef

Get ready to have even more options at Taco Bell on your next visit because the taco chain has just revealed their own ground beef substitute they are calling "Cravetarian!"

The vegan alternative to their ground beef is made from a combination of chickpea and pea protein and will be featured in the new "Cravetarian Taco," which is currently being tested at select restaurants in the US.

The taco consists of the meat alternative, shredded cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and sour cream in a corn shell and if it tests well you can substitute it for any menu item for no extra cost.

The BEST part is one taco is only 180 calories, about ten calories less than a normal taco, so you can start using those calories elsewhere!!


Photo Credit: Taco Bell

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