What it's like to travel to an all-inclusive right now

*I was so nervous to share all of this with you, but I don't know how to hide parts of my life. I want to share everything! So I figured I could help people who are also thinking about traveling, and also explain to the haters that there are ways to do it in a safe way.*

February is ROUGH. I know I'm not the only one that sees a huge decline in my mental state after the holidays, and for me, once football is done. While I'm admittedly lucky in that I still have a job and money is not a worry, I was in a rough place and needed to get out. I figured I'd take a chance on going somewhere that I could have the most control in my health. That kind of place is outside.

We had booked this trip to Punta Cana last year, but had to cancel it of course.. so we still had those vouchers to use. The bonus was that when I looked up more all-inclusive places, they were even cheaper! [More on that below!] So we double masked, got on a direct flight so we had as little exposure as possible, and landed in Punta Cana... where we immediately got tested for COVID. There was something about it that was less annoying, and more appeasing, because it meant that the country was taking it seriously.

The resort was, too. We stayed at Bahia Principe because they offered testing on-site. When we got there, all of the staff were wearing masks, no matter where they were, and plexiglass was up at the bars, desks, etc. Even though most of it was outside, people were good about keeping them on! They also sanitized chairs when people got up, and put a sign on it when they were done.

We also decided to get a room with a pool, so that we could be in our own safety net of sorts if things were crowded. They offered 24 hour room service if we needed, too! Luckily, we didn't have to be banished there too often. While the resort was pretty full, pool and beach chairs were spread far enough apart to not feel like someone's germs were being shouted onto you.

If you were wondering how much this cost when I mentioned it up there, it was $230/night for two people. I think that's pretty damn good for any all-inclusive room, but especially for the amenities we got. There were lots of other resorts in the 150 range.

My main rule with COVID is to stay outside. We go out to eat, but we eat outside. We hang with friends, but outside. So it's nice to go to a resort when 95% of the eating is outside. The buffet was inside, but we didn't eat there much, and it was very spread out with big fans. Everything else was in the great outdoors. They even had a paella station for lunch and I'm going to dream about it for months.

I had been wondering what buffets would be like... people touching the same spoon?! No buffet?! The answer: They had rope blocking it off by a few feet, and one person working each section. One person with a mask dished whatever you wanted onto your plate. Solid solution.

SO... in the end, I'm really glad we took the chance to go. So far, so good. I think my biggest mistake was eating on the plane on the way home, but a lot of people have said the risk of getting it from that is very slim. We were able to learn how to sail a little catamaran... we took a mini powerboat out, and drank a lottttt of sugary alcohol. I have never been so excited/happy to have a sunburn, and I'm recovering with a juice cleanse. Oh, and I had a therapy session the day I got back because we gotta make sure this happy mentality sticks around as long as possible!

Take note of how you're feeling, what can make you feel better, and find ways to get your happiness. Don't be afraid or ashamed to reach out if you need help of any kind.

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