New Study Says Dying In Your Dreams Might Actually Kill You…

Turns out that Inception got it all wrong about dying in a dream because a new study reveals that you can actually die from dying in a dream!

It’s one of those urban legends most of us have heard growing up watching Nightmare on Elm Street, but it turns out that you can die from a dream essentially by being "scared to death."

When we’re frightened, our body flings itself into fight or flight mode, which is triggered by a flood of adrenaline. The heart beats faster and blood flow is rerouted to major muscle groups and this influx of adrenaline can cause a cardiac event.

Based on a 1981 study conducted by the CDC, if you dream about death it can cause adrenaline to do the same effect and while dreaming of death is not in and of itself a death sentence, it probably doesn’t help.

The good news is, maintaining your heart health can help to limit these risks. So, if ever you’re in a dream and something wicked comes your way like Freddy Krueger, run!


Photo Credit: Getty Images

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