An Unopened Copy of Super Mario Bros. Sold For $114,000

You might not know this, but your old stuff is actually worth something, even if you opened it, because an unopened copy of Super Mario Bros. just sold for $114,000 in an auction!

The game originally released in 1985 so the original owner has had to keep it in pristine condition for over 35 years and was won in a Dallas auction that had set a record of $100,000 in 2019 for the same video game.

In total, Friday’s auction of sealed Nintendo games brought in over $699,000, well exceeding its $428,000 pre-estimate auction. Other notable items included a sealed copy of Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out hat sold for $50,000.

Now if your partner complains about your collection just say that it could pay off in a big way one day!

(Rolling Stone)

Photo Credit: Nintendo

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