Tips To Keep Your Pet Calm During Fireworks

The Independence Day holiday is a terrible one for many pets. We have some tips to help keep your fur baby safe:

  1. Create a sense of calmness and compete with the noise by turning on a radio or television.
  2. Place a cotton ball in their ears while the fireworks go on (just remember to take them out!)
  3. Stay with your pet or have a family member or friend dog-sit for the day to give them a sense of security.
  4. Take your dog out on a leash when they need to use the bathroom so they are not alone and cannot run away at the noise of fireworks.
  5. Play fetch with them (not outside), put on some relaxing music, and reward them with treats.
  6. Most importantly, keep them far away from the fireworks show!

(Good Morning America)

(Getty Images)

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