This Care Home Created A “Hug Tunnel” So Residents Can Embrace Loved Ones

A nursing home in Brazil has come up with a way to let residents embrace their loved ones safely during the coronavirus pandemic. Staff at the Geriatric Clinic Tres Figueiras created a “hug tunnel” that provides a physical barrier to protect residents and still allows them to hug their relatives.

The facility is home to 28 senior residents and after noticing they were feeling sad and lonely, they came up with the design. The tunnel is made of a large plastic sheet with four sleeved armholes, so they can see each other clearly while getting their hugs on.

All visitors have their temperatures checked and apply hand sanitizer before using the tunnel and the area is disinfected every half hour so if you want to try something similar with the elder in your life then let this be the inspiration.


Photo Credit: Getty Images

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