The Life Events Millennials Are Putting Off Longer Than Their Parents

When it comes to adulting, there are several milestones you look forward too. Buying a house with a white picket fence, getting married, and having 3.14 kids.It’s the American dream. But it turns out Millennials are essentially living the American Nightmare.

In case you forgot for a minute, we’re broke. And our lack of finances is holding us back big time in moving our lives forward. According to a new survey, millennials report delaying pretty much everything due to money issues.

  • Half of millennials say they’ve delayed purchasing a house because they can't afford it. For comparison, only 23% of boomers said they can’t afford a home.
  • Medical Procedures.50% of millennials also report having to put off having a medical procedure.Who needs health when we’ve got CrossFit.Just FYI, health care costs per person have increased by $9,000 since 1970. Meanwhile.McDonald’s burgers have only gone up by a dollar. How’s this even possible?
  • Career Moves.We’re also twice as likely as boomers to hold off on quitting a job or starting our own business because even one missed paycheck would put us over the edge.
  • Get ready to cha cha slide and wobble at weddings in your late twenties. Because of our debt, we’ve raised the average age of a first marriage from 22 for women and 25 for men in the 1980s to 27 for women and 29 for men. Also, for the first time ever the number of 30-something women are having babies outnumbers women in their 20s.

Source:Business Insider

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